Holistic Health: Spirit, Mind, Body

Red blood cells are the little helpers in our body that carry oxygen from our lungs to all the other parts of our body. They are very important, but did you know that they only live for about 120 days? That’s about the same amount of time as one season!

Sometimes, red blood cells don’t live that long and they die before their time is up. When this happens, it can be a sign that something is wrong in the body. For example, some diseases or conditions can cause red blood cells to break down too quickly, which can lead to anemia and other health problems.

On the other hand, sometimes red blood cells can live longer than they are supposed to. This can happen in certain medical conditions or as a side effect of some treatments. While it may seem like a good thing to have longer-lasting red blood cells, it can actually cause problems too. In some cases, it can lead to a build-up of toxic materials in the body, which can lead to cancer and other health problems.

At SourceEnergy Bank & Trust, we believe in taking care of our bodies, both inside and out. We want to help you stay healthy and strong by providing holistic solutions for your spirit, mind, and body. This includes using natural and cutting-edge technologies, like T-rays and Yttrium, to help heal and restore your body’s natural balance.

By working with us, you can feel confident that you are receiving the best care possible for your health and well-being. We believe that everyone deserves to live a happy and healthy life, and we are committed to helping you achieve that goal. So why not start your journey to better health today with SourceEnergy Bank & Trust?

The River of the Water of Life: Revelation 22 1-2
