Center of Excellence in Public Theology, Community Engagement & Entrepreneurship

“In the days to come, the mountain of the Lord’s house shall stand firm, a beacon of wisdom and understanding. It shall rise above the hills, and all nations shall stream towards it. Many peoples will come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways so that we may walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth knowledge, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

The Lord shall judge between the nations and settle disputes for many peoples. They will transform their weapons of destruction into tools of cultivation; their spears into instruments of growth. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”

Our Vision: CPTCEE envisions a world where the pursuit of knowledge and technology is harmoniously integrated with the values of spirituality, community empowerment, and ethical stewardship. We aim to be a beacon of hope and transformation, especially within the Global African Diaspora, connecting communities through innovative technological solutions and fostering a new era of prosperity grounded in spiritual and moral integrity.

Our Mission:

  • To Educate and Empower: Provide a rigorous and enlightening academic environment where public theology, community engagement, and entrepreneurship converge, nurturing leaders who are both spiritually grounded and technologically adept.
  • To Bridge Divides: Actively work towards bridging the gap between spiritual values and technological advancements, ensuring that our pursuit of progress uplifts and enriches communities rather than alienates or diminishes them.
  • To Foster Global Connections: Through our state-of-the-art IP Blockchain Platform, create a network that integrates resources and facilitates collaboration across the Global African Diaspora, strengthening communal bonds and fostering global partnerships.
  • To Champion Ethical Leadership: Develop a new generation of leaders who embody humility and integrity, countering the haughtiness and arrogance of worldly pursuits with a steadfast commitment to community welfare and ethical governance.
  • To Inspire Action and Change: Encourage a proactive approach to societal challenges, where innovation and entrepreneurship are leveraged not just for economic gains, but for social and environmental betterment.
  • To Cultivate Sustainable Practices: Advocate for and implement sustainable, environmentally conscious initiatives that reflect our responsibility towards the stewardship of the Earth’s resources.

At CPTCEE, our endeavor is not just to equip individuals with knowledge and skills but to inspire a movement towards a more just, equitable, and spiritually fulfilling world. We commit to being a catalyst for change, where The Light guides our path towards a future that honors our heritage, embraces our present, and innovatively prepares for our future.”

This vision, through the Wealth Ecology Model, emphasizes the transformation of society into one where ethical governance, stewardship of resources, and spiritual values guide the creation and distribution of wealth. It envisions a world where material wealth and military power are not the ultimate goals, but rather tools for cultivating a just, equitable, and sustainable society. The focus is on a future where prosperity is shared, the environment is respected, and peace and collaboration replace conflict and competition.”