7 Sacred Trust Fund

Our 7 Sacred Trust Fund will re-establish the role of the Church in the Economic and Political Stability of our communities.

3,000 years ago, the world experienced an Economic Marvel and prototype. The rapid expansion of Israel’s commerce, trade, and industry during his reign was due to several reasons, the foremost being political. Solomon proved equal to taking full advantage of the unparalleled opportunity for economic growth and development. Still, another reason was the freedom from armed conflict during Solomon’s reign, a rare phenomenon in antiquity.

Cognizant of both political and economic realities, Solomon realized that it was impossible to compete with the Phoenicians (Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, North Isreal, Tyre), who possessed the fleet, the resources, the experience, and old-established connections on land and the Mediterranean Sea. He pursued a new path.

International commercial ties were established and developed to a very advanced degree. Roads were built to meet the new needs of world trade as well as a merchant fleet. Natural resources in mines and stone quarries were exploited and put to use. Foreign trade also brought about a significant change in the domestic economy. From that time onward there emerged a professional merchant class engaged not only in negotiating trade agreements with foreign states but also in procuring foreign goods for the home market and selling domestic products abroad.

Similar trade deals were evidenced with many kingdoms. Having treaties with the royalties (Marrying Royal Daughters – 700 Wives/ 300 Concubines) created the most stable State

The Temple’s sacred precincts facilitated international trade agreements and helped broker commercial transactions because an oath before the gods in the ancient Near East cemented political treaties as well as the terms of exchange. Moreover, it provided a sense of shared trust between partners.

2,000 years ago the early church took care of their parishioners.“And there was no poor among them because people who owned land or houses sold them and brought the money to the apostles to give to others in need” Acts 4:34


1,000 years ago, the size, wealth, and power of the church led to increasingly great corruption in the course of the middle ages. Thanks to leaders like Martin Luthur who led The Reformation and Decentralization, the church has the opportunity to re-establish her role in the Economic and Political Stability of our communities.

Our 7 Sacred Trust Fund will re-establish the role of the Church in the Economic and Political Stability of our communities while avoiding the entrapments of Size, Wealth, and Power.

[3,000 yrs ago -Solomon; 2,000 yrs ago – New Testament; 1,000 yrs ago Martin Luthur]

We will remain vigilant that the church does not fall into the trap of the 7 Churches (Rev: 1) by partnering with 12 (Foundation Stones Rev: 21 ) Support Centers for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

7 Sacred Trust Fund shall fulfill the vision by providing:

  • Charitable benefits to qualified members and adherents. 
  • Trust Services include Charitable, Revocable, and Irrevocable Trusts, etc. 
  • Estate Planning for Individuals and Families
  • Debt Elimination and Home Ownership Enablement
  • Avenues to participate in Community Development by way of Real Estate Investment Trust.
  • Access to Loans by way of Partnerships, Collateral Assignments, Hypothecations, Pledges, Bailments, etc.

The 12 Foundation Stones

(United States Anchor Departments with Faith-Based Support Centers)